上海交通大学主办, 上海春美术馆协办

“Somewhere In Time”, International Exhibition of Five Artists, Nov 29 - Dec 9, 2019, Shanghai JiaoTong University and Chun Art Museum

喻干作品 "回想范宽" - 备忘录系列 #14. #15. #16,

Memorandum Series ##14, #15, #16: “Recalling Fan Kuan (950-1032)”
Recalling Fan Kuan (950 – 1032) by Prof Gan Yu

 This is the first exhibit in a series of international touring exhibitions. The inspiration and conception of this project initiated during the 2019 International Visiting Scholars/Artists Residency Program, jointly organized by Shanghai Jiaotong University and University of Southern California's Institute of Arts and Sciences. As a work of mixed-media paintings and installation, “Recalling Fan Kuan (950 – 1032)” conveys the artist’s questions about the integration and separation of Eastern and Western cultures . It explores misunderstandings of traditional and contemporary forms of art, and discusses ways in which people are confronted by issues such as our surroundings and cultural heritage in the midst of globalization.


Recalling Fan Kuan: A Black Mountain , 240 x 240 cm + 240 x 240 cm, Installation of Mixed Media Paintings on Board, 2019

“Recalling Fan Kuan - A Black Mountian" Details

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“Recalling Fan Kuan - A Black Mountian" Details

Prof Gan Yu and his Students in the Musuem

Recalling Fan Kuan: A Red Mountain , 205 x 485 cm, Mixed-media Paintings on Paper, 2019

Prof Gan Yu and his Students in the Musuem

Recalling Fan Kuan: A Moving Mountain , 205 x 1100 cm, Mixed-media Paintings on Transparent Films and Paper, 2008 - 2019


Prof Gan Yu and his Students in the Musuem

“Recalling Fan Kuan - A Black Mountian" Details

Prof Gan Yu is hosting the Academic Symposium at Chun Art Museum in Shanghai, Nov 27, 2019




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