“A Moving Mountain - Dow Jones Performance in the First Decade of 21 st Century ”, Oriental Ink on Canvas, 30” x 240 ”, 2010 click the small icon to view large painting |
Viewer's Comments on This Panel ( Dow Jones Performance in 2006) 此画面观众评论 |
"Energy from the heart keeps the mountain moving” - Susan Davis, 11/13/2010, New York City |
“Roots connect us, Rooted to the earth, Earth beneath us, beneath the roots, connect us, the dots” - Marla Kleinman, 11/13/2010, New York City |
"The Source is love” - Roslyn Gamiel, 11/13/2010, New York City |
"Peaceful & Tranquility such Beauty" – Rita Palmeri, Long Island, New York, 4/24/2010 |
"All order is started by dissonance! That is the true progression of nature" - Michael Tian, New York, 4/3/2010 |
“ 山高好,山高股市就好。股市好了我们的生活也好。美国经济全靠股市和高科枝( 技) ,他们( 它们) 不好,我们的生活就完蛋了,什么都不好了。”- 宋玉英( 阿英) ,2010 年3 月29 日于纽约市 |
“ 股市变化无常,就象这座黑山,深不可测。高峰来了之后很可能低谷紧接而来,自己很难把握,容易迷失在这黑山之中。”- 张麒,2010 年3 月29 日于纽约市
“A Moving Mountain - Dow Jones Performance in the First Decade of 21 st Century ”
Echoing the grandeur of the ragged horizon formed by distant mountain ranges, footprints of stock market movements depicted on charts outline the essence of the modern global economy. These erratic motions have been captured by the artist's spontaneous splashes of ink. Throughout history civilizations have once hallowed mountains as the home of the gods, and so contemporary society is exalting Wall Street as the temple of the world economy. However, the permanence of the natural world contradicts the transience of the current economic climate.
From over a decade of observing economic patterns, artist Gan Yu realized that the global stock market is in fact, history's largest perpetual piece of group action art. New York to London, Hong Kong to Shanghai, nothing interrupts global economic activity, thereby continuously sketching new designs on stock charts. Relying on calculated speculation, professional traders have traditionally been the only drivers of the stock market. However, in the past few decades, participation has broadened to include the wider population, allowing average people to become a powerful force in determining the stock market's performance. To express this character visually, Gan Yu is creating a painting depicts the exact pattern of Dow Jones Industry Average’s 10-year movement from 2000 to 2009. The artist presents a chronologically ordered chart painted by oriental brushes and ink on western canvas detailing Dow Jones' moving history over the past ten years.
One of the symbols for the stock market is mass participation. In order to capture this quality, Gan Yu invites the audiences to write their comments directly on his canvas. The artist’s idea is to bring wisdom from many others, and let their thoughts and autographs collaborate with the painting. Currently, there are already more than 100 people wrote their personal comments along with signatures in 9 preferred languages directly on canvas. Gan will continue asking the audiences to contribute their comments in the further exhibitions. Observer involvement is a central theme the piece conveys. The painting is incomplete when displayed, finished only after the available space has been filled out with comments from observers expressing their views.
Gan Yu plans to exhibit this piece in several different locations internationally, accumulating a multitude of diverse perspectives around the world thereby tracing a truly global sentiment towards the modern economy. The artist synthesizes himself, the observers and the artwork, allowing those who may be direct or indirect participants in the stock market to surrender themselves to chance, becoming a subject in the overall theme. Not only does this action manifest itself in art, but also reflects the underlying complexities of modern global civilization.
“ 一座移动的山--- 道琼斯二十一世纪的第一亇十年”
壮阔的山脉形成了一条凹凸不平,婉延起伏的地平线, 她是股市运行的足迹,她在叙述世界现代经济发展的历程。艺术家以即严谨的外型结合随意的泼墨形式,用绘画展现了道琼斯股票指数飘忽不定的姿态。在人类文明发展的初期,山脉曾被视作供人拜仰的神殿; 在高度文明的现代社会,华尔街被捧为投资的圣堂。然而,大自然的威伟衡态与变换无常的当代经济气候常常是貌合神离,隔格不入。
用十多年时间潜心观察经济与投资运动规律,艺术家喻干认识到全球股市实际上是人类历史上最大的延续不断的群体行为艺术现象:从纽约到伦敦,到香港,到上海,日夜不停地创造新的图形。现代科技的发展使这种传统上只有专业人士才可介入的投资 + 投机行为被广泛地,自觉不自觉地渗入到大多数人们的生活之中,并成为当代全球经济发展的重要力量之一。为了表现出这个特征,喻干创作了一幅绘画作品 “ 一座移动的山 ” 。这幅画以数学格式准确地再现了美国纽约证券交易所道琼斯指数的在二十一世纪第一个十年,即从2000 年到2009 年的运动图形。艺术家以东方水墨毛笔在西方油画布上作画这种相互矛盾的方式,用即兴泼墨所造成的意外效果来表现道琼斯过去十年间辗转反复,变化无常的历史。此作品的另一重要特征是艺术家在画面上以严格的计算画出网格布满全画,它一方面是记载道琼斯指数在十年间上下波动图形的坐标,但潜在的意义是喻干借此来揭示当代社会的一切人与事都被笼罩在一张无形的,由金钱编织成的大网之下。
现代股市的象征之一是大众参与。为了捕捉这一特征,喻干邀请观众直接在画面上写下他们看画的心得以及对股市,对经济,对社会,对人生的看法。艺术家的观念是把他人的智慧、思想和手迹请进画内,让它们共同成为作品的一部分。至今为止,已有100多位自愿者在画布合适之处亲手写下评论和签名。喻干将在未来的展览中继续邀请群众来参与这项创作计划。观众直接参与作品的创作是 “ 一座移动的山 ” 的核心内容。画家画完这件作品后把它放到展厅展览时此画其实并未完成,只有当画布全被大众的评论和签名铺满之后它才算最终告成。这是一个凝聚艺术家可见的创作内容和观众不可预见的评论内容为一体的综合计划。因此,这件作品本身就如股市一样带有某种不可预测性。道琼斯运动的图形象一座山,这座山随着每天市场的交易而不断向前移动;而此画在展览过程中也会不断地随着观众的思想和行为的笔触在移动,在增添新的内含。股市图形虽如山,但真正缔造这座山的是人; 股市虽每天向前移动,但真正的动力来自于那些前赴后继不断推动社会前进的人们。他们才是一座真正的大山。
喻干用东西结合的材料和表现手法以道琼斯股指为题材进行创作,借此来象征现代经济的多元化和国际化,包容性与排斥性。在将来的展览过程中,艺术家将不断邀请来自四方的人们参与这个项目的共同创作,由他们的行为来为它最后划句号。在这件作品中,喻干以理性的淡铅笔网线陪衬感性的浓墨泼染,以个人的创作意愿陪衬大众对作品,对社会的反馈 ; 创造了架上绘画的静态与现代社会人的行为动态相结合,艺术家的个体思维与艺术处理和观者们的集体思维与书写痕迹相结的观念,尝试开拓一种平面绘画的新表现形式。