
East Asian Landscapes

Gettysburg College Schmucker Art Gallery / December 6, 2023 - April 13, 2024

Under the Direction of Professor Sun Yan / 总策划: 孙岩教授

Artist and Artworks / 艺术家及参展作品

..Suzuki Harunobu (Japenese, 1724 - 1770), Two Women at the Seashore

..Utagawa Kunisada (Japenese, 1786 - 1865), Scenery of Tago Bay

..Utagawa Hiroshige (Japenese, 1797 - 1858), Descending Geese at Katada

..The City of Canton, July 17, 1858, Double Page Woodclock Engraving on Paper

..Hiroshima Koho (Japenese, 1889 - 1951), Night View of Ohashi Bridge

..Pu Ru/Pu Xinyu (Chinese, 1896 - 1963), Landscape

...Beisai 米斋 (Japenese, unknown), Landscape

..Miniature Cork Landscape, 1914-1980, Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China

...Gan Yu 喻干 (Chinese, born. 1958), From Mountains to Cities

联合策展人/ Co-curators : Catherine Haley, Conrad Martens, Cyndy Basil, Emma Wylam, Isobel Debenham, Katherine Tyson, Lanna Kouzoujian, Miriam Glatfelter, Molly Griffith, Noelle Muni

The City of Canton - from the Island of Honan, July 17, 1858, Double Page Woodclock Engraving on Paper, 54 x 18 cm (21.3 x 7.1 in)

Left: Suzuki Harunobu (Japenese, 1724 - 1770), Two Women at the Seashore; Middle: The City of Canton, July 17, 1858, 19th century double page woodblock on paper; Right: Pu Ru/Pu Xinyu (Chinese, 1896 - 1963), Landscape.

Left: Utagawa Hiroshige (Japenese, 1797 - 1858), Descending Geese at Katada; Middle: Miniature Cork Landscape (1914-1980), Fuzhou, China; Right: Utagawa Kunisada (Japenese, 1786 - 1865) and Utagawa Hiroshige (Japenese, 1797 - 1858), Scenery of Tago Bay.

Left: Gan Yu 喻干 (born, 1958), "From Mountains to Cities", ink on silk, 2018; Middle: Hiroshima Koho (Japenese, 1889 - 1951), Night View of Ohashi Bridge; Right: Utagawa Hiroshige (Japenese, 1797 - 1858), Descending Geese at Katada.

Works by Gan Yu 喻干 (born, 1958), "From Mountains to Cities", ink on silk, 2018

Selected pages from the Exhibition Catalog, Introduction to Gan Yu (喻干)

Cover of Exhibition Catalog, painting by Gan Yu (喻干)


East Asian Landscapes

Gettysburg College Schmucker Art Gallery / December 6, 2023 - April 13, 2024

美国葛底斯堡大学画廊"东亚风景艺术展: 从山间到城镇"



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