Monira Foundation and The KuBe Art Center Present Aug 27 – Dec 15, 2021 / Ethan Cohen Gallery / Ethan Cohen KUBU |
科恩画廊 / 科恩CUBE 艺术中心主办 : “ 感知之门:现实主义新探”, 2021 年 8 月 27 日至 一 2021 年 12 月 15 日
Ethan Cohen Gallery is pleased to present The Doors of Perception: New Approaches to Realism, a group exhibition featuring the works of 30 contemporary artists who excel at translating their perception of the world to the viewer through their art practice. Each artist has a unique approach, technique and chosen subject matter, and this exhibition seeks to showcase the rich and varied approaches taken in contemporary realism. The show's focus and mission is not merely to display what the artist sees but their ways of seeing. Each strives to infuse an eloquence into the sensory filtration of phenomena, to turn a passive process of absorbing reality into a demonstration of the artist's active revivification powers. Between the perceived and the presented stands the artist. The show asks the viewer to immerse in the elemental prism of the individual artist's role as vehicle and vessel. From the collective perspective, the show offers a wholistic experience, a vision of the globe's multifarious cultural expressions jostling to be witnessed in chorus. The panoply of both diversity and also interaction between cultures, art as a shared global practice, distilled through cultures and individuated by artists. The show asks the viewer to immerse in the elemental prism of the individual artist's role as vehicle and vessel. Palpable too is the historical dialogue between and within cultures. In the Chinese tradition, we see the evolution from a kind of landscape metaphysics rooted in one society (Gan Yu) to hyper-realist nudes (Shi Chong) to a contemporary conceptual-realism cross-pollinated by global genres where the landscape has become the self-daubed artist's body (Qiu Zhijie). In the work of Mina Cheon we see a South Korean-American artist portraying her alter-ego as a North Korean female cadre, crossing the internal divide within her country of origin. Yigal Ozeri's portraits depict renowned global figures, often from the American political scene, an Israeli-born artist capturing the borderless nature of iconic leaders of pop-cultural significance. nature and architecture. Austin Stiegemeier explores comparable ground with harshly-revealed ultra-realist human figures in naturescapes, so eloquent of our alienation from our living environment. The show offers a kaleidoscope of media illustrating realism's multiplexity, featuring photography, landscape in brush-and-ink, self-portraiture, pseudo-propaganda and political representation. 一森 · 科恩画廊欣喜推出 “ 感知之门:现实主义新探” 艺术展。 该 展览陈列了 30 位当代艺术家的作品。艺术家们熟练地通过实践将他们对世界的感知转化给观众,每个人都用独特的方法、技能和主题来展示当代现实主义丰富而多样的艺术语言。 该展览目的不仅仅是展示艺术家所见到的日常现象,而是呈现他们对世界的观察后的理解和艺术传达方式。他们每个人都努力在对直观的事物进行过滤与升华,然后注入各自的感知与论述,把对外部现象的被动吸收转换为积极主动的艺术表现力。该展览使观众沉浸在由艺术家们的作品所引入的万千气象。从大的视角看,此展览提供了一种整体的体验 : 全球多重文化的表现形式在艺术舞台上相互竞争,展现出艺术的多样性和文化之间的相互作用的境界。艺术作为一种共享的全球实践,通过文化提炼并由艺术家个性化表达而不断产生新的内容,在事物的被感知和被呈现之间的闸门是艺术家和他们的觉悟。“ 感知之门:现实主义新探” 期待 观众沉浸在由艺术家的作品所带入的纷呈景致之中。 该展览的重点是在文化之间和文化内在进行历史对话。在中国当代艺术家中,我们看到了从一种根植于某个社会的现象之形而上的表述(喻干)到超写实人体(石冲),再到受全球艺术流派交叉影响而产生的当代 “ 观念现实主义” 艺术家自身涂鸦的现象(邱志杰)。在 Mina Cheon 的作品里,我们看到一位韩裔美国艺术家将她的另一个自我描绘成一名朝鲜女干部,作品跨越了她原有籍国在做内在分裂。伊加尔 · 奥泽里 (Yigal Ozeri) 的肖像描绘了全球著名的人物,他们通常来自美国政界。这位在以色列出生的艺术家捕捉了具有流行文化意义的 “ 标志性领导人的无国界” 特征。美国艺术家奥斯汀 · 斯蒂格迈尔 (Austin Stiegemeier) 在自然景观中深入探索,他的作品与严酷揭露社会的超写实主义人物画有共鸣之处。 “ 感知之门:现实主义新探” 有力地表达了我们与生活环境的疏离,向观众提供了一个观花筒,以展示现实主义的多重性: 包括摄影、笔墨表现、自画像、反讽宣染和社会表述等。 . |
Artwork by Jon Kessler 乔恩·凯斯勒作品 Gan Yu, "Memorandum: Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke and George Soros, 8/17/2009 – 10/24/2011", 81” x 176”. Ink, acrylic and mixed-media on paper and polyester, Four panels completed from Sept 2009 to Aug 2021, Gan Yu / 喻干作品, "备忘录, 8/17/2009 – 10/24/2011" 喻干作品, "备忘录"局部 Artwork by Austin Stiegemeier 奥斯汀·斯蒂格迈尔作品 Artwork by Austin Stiegemeier 奥斯汀·斯蒂格迈尔作品 Artwork by Yigal Ozeri 伊加尔·奥泽里作品 Artwork by Yigal Ozeri 伊加尔·奥泽里作品 Artwork by Paul Paiement 保罗·培门特作品 Artwork by Paul Paiement 保罗·培门特作品 Artwork by Anna Navasardian 安娜·纳夫萨迪安作品 Artwork by Jeannie Weissglass 珍妮·韦斯格拉斯作品 Artwork by Jim Peters 吉姆·彼得斯作品 Liu Xiaodong 刘小东作品 Wang Yuping 王玉平作品 Artwork by Emil Alzamora 埃米尔·阿尔萨莫拉作品 Artwork by Qiu Zhijie 丘志杰作品
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