"年终的画" / The Last Word , 2021-2022

Dec 18, 2021 - Jan 29, 2022, Ethan Cohen Gallery, 251 West 19th Street, New York, NY


2021 年即将结束。回顾 2021年,又是扩张、收缩、扩张的一年。疫情中的希望、失望、混乱、成长、爱、心碎、健康、死亡和新生命都在一个广阔而不可预测的当下共存。不确定性和焦虑仍然是我们个人与集体的经历所在,尽管人们已经看到疫情的浪潮可能开始消退的希望(尽管转瞬即逝)。我们仍然希望在经历如此痛苦时,大家不会失去重新思考我们的价值观和改革社会的机会,希望在 2022 年我们将看到这个机会果实。在此 Ethan Cohen Gallery 全体员工祝您新年快乐。Ethan Cohen Gallery 很高兴推出今年的最后一次群展, The Last Word ,由 Lara Kamhi 和 Ethan Cohen共同策划,重点关注挑战现状并将新思想带入社会对话。这是一场展览和公开对话,艺术家们质疑我们的社会规范,希望成为我们如何在大流行后的未奋勇前进。


The end is nigh… of 2021.
2021: A year of expansion, contraction, and expansion yet again. Hope, disappointment, mayhem, growth, love, heartbreak, health, death, and new life all coexisting in a vast and unpredictable present. Uncertainty and anxiety continue to be at the forefront of our personal collective experience, though they have slowly been whittled away by the hope, however fleeting, that the tide of the pandemic may be beginning to recede. We continue to be hopeful that the opportunity to rethink our values and reorganize as a society will not be lost as we move through such a traumatic collective experience, and we hope that in 2022 we will see the fruits of this opportunity blossom. From all of us at Ethan Cohen Gallery, we wish you a wonderful period of growth and reflection, and a happy New Year.

Ethan Cohen Gallery  is pleased to present its final group show of the year,  The Last Word , co-curated by Lara Kamhi and Ethan Cohen, which focuses on artists who challenge the status quo and bring new ideas into the dialogue of our society. This is an exhibition and an open dialogue, with the artists questioning our societal norms in the hope of being part of the conversation on how we move forward in a post-pandemic future.

Works by Edwin Schlossberg (right),-Lara Birgit Kamhi (top),-Raul De Lara (left)

Artworks of Liu Xiaodong, Yigal Ozeri-Ron English, Jim Peters, Jeffrey Hargrave , Nora Cohen, Luck Randell

Thomas Deininger, painting and installation

Gan Yu, Six Nude Bodies 喻干人体作品六件

Jim Peters (nude woman, left) and Gan Yu (nude person, 2009, right), 吉姆·彼得斯(裸女,左), 喻干(人体,右)

Gan Yu (nude man), Mari Cohen (nude woman, middle bottom) 玛丽·科恩(人体, 中下), 喻干(男人体,中上)

Gan Yu, Austin Stiegemeier and his painting (right)

Jeffrey Hargrave, oil on canvas, 2021 / Gan and Jeffrey (left)

Aboudia (drawing, middle), Yigal Ozeri (oil painting, right)

Nora Cohen (oil painting, left) and Chi Ming-(oil painting, right)



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