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Selected Artworks by Altina Pierro Vergata
"Bamboo Sings "
93.3 cm x 188 cm
96 cm x 61.5 cm
Village in the Mountains
96 cm x 61.5 cm

Altina Pierro Vergata -Interior Designer, Oyster Bay Cove, New York

My original intent was to learn the basic Chinese Calligraphy strokes to add to my paintings. However, since studying with Mr. Yu, I have come to recognize the abstract artistic quality of the characters themselves. Calligraphy has now become for me an entirely new area of artistic freedom. Seeking the essence of the characters in the running style has helped to find the essence of every subject I attempt to paint.

"Bamboo Dances "
93.3 cm x 188 cm

Running Script, "The Willow Tree"
74.5 cm x 63.5 cm

"Young Bamboo"
45 cm x 75 cm
38cm x 75 cm
"Three Ravens"
95 cm x 65 cm
19 W, 34 Stree, Ste 603, New York, NY 10018, USA Tel: (212) 736-1104 and (718) 938-6588
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