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Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Workshop at Long Island Sumi-e Society, New York

Calligraphy Workshop at Connecticut Oriental Brush Artists Guild

"Traditional Chinese Art Under Western Influence", A Lecture at City University of New York

Oriental Brush Workshop at Hammond Museum, New York

,,.. 10-Week Workshop: Oriental Brush Painting, Wisconsin

This ten-session workshop is for those who take a special interest in exploring the art of Chinese brushwork. In China, painting and calligraphy are always closely related to each other. Together, they are referred to as the Twin Sisters. This workshop contains two parts: the first half (five sessions) is for Chinese Calligraphy and the second half is for Chinese Brush Painting. By learning the strokes of calligraphy, people will have an excellent training for the brush techniques of painting. In class, students will be taught how to handle Chinese brushes with ink and color, and execute brush strokes correctly and artistically. This is an art related beginning workshop, which does not require students to have experience with Chinese language.

Contact info: (718) 938-6588 and (718) 548-1089
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