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......汪悅進 (Eugene Wang), 美國哈佛大學藝術史系洛克菲勒亞洲藝術史專席終身教授。曾獲美國古根海姆 (Guggenheim) 基金會學術成就獎及美國專業學會所頒賴斯康姆獎, 及哈佛大學教學獎。專著《塑造法華經:中國中古佛教視覺文化》獲日本岅本日深學術獎。曾任美國國家美術館高級視覺藝術研究所,盖蒂基金会,立青基金会顧問, 美國大學藝術史協會機關刊物Art Bulletin 編委會編委, 麥克米蘭出版社《佛教百科全書》副主編。一度為哈佛大學文理學院網頁四位首頁人物之一。 著述內容廣泛, 涉及古代墓葬禮儀藝術,青銅器紋飾,佛教石窟造像與壁畫, 歷代書畫,雕塑,建築,版画,攝影,電影, 及當代藝術等方面。曾受邀於奧地利維也納大學, 德国柏林大学,海德堡大学,法蘭克福大學, 瑞士蘇黎世大學, 澳洲悉尼大学,加拿大多倫多大学,美国普林斯頓,耶魯, 斯坦福,加州伯克萊等大學講學。 ......Eugene Y. Wang is the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Professor of Asian Art at Harvard University. His extensive publications cover a full range of Chinese art history from the early funerary art to modern and contemporary art and cinema. He has received Guggenheim, Getty, and ACLS Ryskamp Fellowships. His book Shaping the Lotus Sutra: Buddhist Visual Culture in Medieval China garnered the Academic Achievement Award (2006) from Japan. He is the art history editor of the Encyclopedia of Buddhism (2004). He has served on the advisory board of the Center for Advanced Study of Visual Art, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., Getty Foundation, the Li Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation, and the editorial board of The Art Bulletin. His current research encompasses issues of art without spectators, visual programming, material forms of intelligence, and inter-subjectivity effects. 新近信息 Current News 汪悦进教授专访 - 儒儒 近思, 杭州 / 中国美术学院(点击阅读) 汪悦进教授在中国美术学院"2015克孜尔壁画国际研讨会"上的演说: "禅观与天眼: 克孜尔石窟壁画空间新议" (PPT稿)
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