"Speed and Chaos: Into the Future of Asian Art"
Bryce_Wolkowitz Gallery, New York |
"速度与混乱 – 走进未来的亚洲艺术" 七人联展 |
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中国艺术家王庆松 Wang Qingsong,:"摩天大楼 Skyscraper" |
Chinese artist Wang Qingsong has witnessed the unprecedented changes that have characterized China’s political, social and cultural transformation. His photographic works often parody and deride the effects of globalization. In his first video Skyscraper, Wang traces through time-lapse photography the mammoth construction of scaffolding, which emerges from the landscape in the rural outskirts of Beijing. Devoid of all human labor, Wang’s video sequencing reflects the meditative and rhythmic quality of building, which upon completion gives way to fireworks. Yet another building of consumer culture is born!
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画廊经理人布莱斯 ∙ 沃科卫兹先生专访 2010年2月17日 |
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位于纽约市Chelsea 艺展区中心的Bryce Wolkowitz 画廊在2010 年1 月16 日至2 月17 日举办了主题为“速度与混乱 – 走进未来的亚洲艺术”七人联展。这七人中包括来自中国的艺术家胡介呜、王庆松、许昌昌、缪晓春四人,台湾艺术家Hsin-Chien Huang及二位韩国艺术家Junebum Park和Sang-Kyoon Noh 。纽约中华艺术网记者在该展览闭幕式上采访了画廊经理人布莱斯 ∙ 沃科卫兹先生(Mr. Bryce Wolkowitz )。 中艺网: 请问这次展出的标题意义? 沃科卫兹: 之所以选用“速度与混乱 – 走进未来的亚洲艺术”,是因为这些优秀亚洲艺术家们的作品记载了在他们生活的范围内全球经济重新组合的历程。在亚洲,这种新模式不仅仅在体现经济的疾速变化,同时也在明显地表达出个人偏爱与社会倾向之间的一种不可调和的矛盾和争扎。他们的作品穿过一些表层现象,深入内部去挖掘涵义深邃的亚洲社会生活的本质。 这亇展览综合平面展示、立体展示和多媒体展示的方式,它们或重新演绎宗教圣像雕塑,或检讨在亚洲各地大规模发生的高速度城市建等事态的含义,向观众对二十一世纪亚洲在全球新经济,新社会次序的环境下的发展前景提出了不同层面的思考。如中国艺术老胡介鸣的作品 “嗨!一个世界正在建设中”幻想当代人在月球上大兴土木并借此来向我们提出了一个严肃的问题: 月球准备好了吗? 而事实上,这种持续不断地消耗自然资源的建设也将快速地损毁我们地球本体。我认为这次联展是一种艺术创造,个体思维和社会现象综合价值的体现,是代表未来亚洲艺术发展的方向之一。 中艺网: 这是不是贵画廊首次举办的亚洲艺术家联展? 沃科卫兹: 不是的。我们以前也主办过几次中国当代艺术家的个展或联展。 中艺网: 观众对本次展出的评价怎样? 沃科卫兹: 亚洲艺术,尤其是中国当代艺术在国际上的兴起已不是件新鲜事。随着美国民众对以中国为主的亚洲经济在当今世界重要地位的认识,他们对当代东方艺术的理解和认知程度也不断提高。来参观这次为时一亇月展览的观众们从各种不同的角度表达了他们对这些艺术作品的强烈感受,高度地赞扬了艺术家们的创造与表现力。 中艺网: 请介绍一下贵画廊的策展风格? 沃科卫兹: 本画廊以展示,研究,与销售世界当代优秀艺术家的作品为首要任务,形式包括:现代摄影、影视形象、雕塑、新媒体及不受限制的综合艺术风格。 中艺网: 今后还打算举办中国艺术家独立或群体的展览吗? 沃科卫兹: 当然会,我们的门一直是敞开的。 中艺网: 谢谢你的协助与时间。 |
"Speed and Chaos: Into the Future of Asian Art" |
New York, NY, January 6, 2010- Speed and Chaos: Into the Future of Asian Art brings together the work of seven Asian artists who track the process of global restructuring taking place in Asia. The paradigm shifts in the region are defined not only by swift economic changes but also by seemingly irreconcilable struggles between individual preferences and social mandates. By penetrating the surface of Asian realities, these seven artists’ works go beyond mere appearances and delve into the substance of the multivalent Asian experience in the 21st Century. This exhibition draws on various reinterpretations of religious imagery as well as examines the tremendous rate of urbanization taking place throughout Asia. Both of these conditions are apparent in works like Noh, Sang-Kyoon's sequined Buddha to Miao Xiaochun’s reinterpretation of the story of Genesis, as told by Michelangelo in his Sistine chapel. This mixture of self and society, object and subject is evident in Shanghai Shall We Dance, Hsin-Chien Huang’s video in which humans become buildings, and Hu Jieming’s meticulous creation of a new society in The World is Under Construction, one replete with skyscrapers and factories. Through Junebum Park's manipulated videos, Xu Changchang’s photographs, and Wang Qingsong’s time lapsed skyscrapers we are further invited to experience the breakneck speed at which change occurs in the region. The works in this show offer a view at the fragility of existence by creating and manufacturing spaces that demonstrate the precept in Asia that what can go up can just as easily come down. |
Bryce_Wolkowitz Gallery, 505 W24th Street, New York, NY 10011 |
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