艺术家中文简介 / Artist's Resume in English


个人简介 / Introduction

Artist's Bio

Gan Yu was born in Shanghai, China, and he is currently a professional artist, curator, and professor residing in New York, USA. Gan Yu received a master's degree in fine arts from the Art Department of Minnesota State University-Mankato in the United States, a doctorate degree from the China Academy of Art in the field of Chinese painting, and did postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Art History of Harvard University in the United States. .Currently, Dr. Gan Yu is a Professor and international doctoral supervisor at the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, Shanghai University. He also hosts Chinese ink art workshops and courses at the Art Students League of New York. Gan Yu has held solo exhibitions at the Ethan Cohen KUBE Art Center in New York, the University of Wisconsin, Minnesota State University, the Yale-China Association, the Hammond Museum in New York, and the Shun Art Gallery in Tokyo. Gan Yu's works also have been exhibited in groups at Cohen Gallery in New York City, the Ethan Cohen KUBE Art Center in Beacon of New York, the Volta Basel Contemporary Art Expo, the Miami Asia Art Expo, the National Art Museum of China, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Shanghai Art Museum, China Academy of Art Museum, St. John's University Art Gallery, etc. Gan Yu has done curatorial projects at Harvard University, the State University of New York, Yale-China Association, the China Academy of Art, the Islip Art Museum of New York and the Ethan Cohen KUBE Art Center in New York.

Artist's Statement

Gan Yu takes a special interest in exploring the art of East and West from ancient to present time. The aesthetic development of Oriental and Occidental art can be seen as two rivers traveling parallel courses in the same universal art world. The challenge has been to find another channel that allows these two currents to flow together. Gan Yu’s paintings reveal that Eastern and Western concepts and techniques of art can be combined well into a universally accepted artistic language. We are living in a rapidly changing digital era, facing the explosion of technology, challenging global economic systems, natural and social environmental issues every day. These are inevitably influencing everyone’s daily lives as reflected in Gan Yu’s artwork. Blending these streams and sentiments in Gan Yu’s artistic creation has compelled him to paint in a new manner, think insightfully, and produce a unique way of image-making.

喻干出生于中国上海市,目前是定居住于美国纽约市的职业艺术家、策展人、教授。喻干获美国明尼苏达州立大学艺术系绘画专业硕士学位,中国美术学院中国画人物画专业美术学博士学位,并在美国哈佛大学艺术史系完成博士后研究。喻干现任上海大学上海美术学院特聘教授、博士生导师并在纽约艺术学生联盟主持中国水墨艺术工作坊及课程。喻干在美国纽约科恩 KUBE 艺术中心、威斯康星大学画廊、明尼苏达州立大学画廊、耶鲁大学耶鲁 - 雅礼协会、纽约哈蒙德博物馆及日本东京 Shun Art Gallery Tokyo 等机构举办过个人画展。喻干作品也在纽约市科恩画廊、纽约科恩 KUBE 艺术中心、瑞士巴塞尔当代艺术博览会、棕榈滩国际当代艺术博览会、迈阿密亚洲艺术博览会、中国美术馆、香港艺术馆、上海美术馆、中国美术学院美术馆、圣约翰大学画廊参加过群体艺术展览。喻干在哈佛大学、耶鲁雅礼协会、纽约州立大学、中国美术学院、纽约艾斯利普美术馆、纽约科恩艺术中心等做过策展项目。喻干在哈佛大学、盖底兹堡大学、纽约艺术学生联盟、纽约城市大学、明尼苏达州立大学、上海大学、纽约艾斯利普艺术博物馆、纽约哈蒙德博物馆、纽约卡托纳艺术博物馆等机构主持过艺术课程、讲座和工作坊。

喻干对探索东西方古今艺术有著浓厚的兴趣,认为东方和西方艺术犹如世界艺术史中两条平行流淌的河。喻干通过长期绘画创作来寻找把东西方艺术完美结合的路径,使其审美与技艺相互交融并生长出全新的语汇。喻干认为人类的艺术传统需要继续,并在当代新科技、新审美文化环境中发展。喻干用作品展示了古与今,东方与西方的艺术观念和技法可以结合成一种被世界普遍接纳的艺术形式。今天的数字时代技术爆炸,人类的生活瞬息万变并面临著全球政治、经济、社会环境及文化变异等多重挑战,这些内含和感受在喻干的作品中都有所体现。喻干的作品综合了他所生活时代的声音、人类文化的 DNA 以及个人的情感,它们向观众展现了艺术家以 “ 古典审美当代表达 ” 为审美基调的个性化艺术语言和独特的思考创造出的新图式。

做为博士生导师,喻干目前在上海美术学院所带领的国际博士研究生的学术方向是 << 当代东西方艺术潮流、市场及技法综合研究>> ,这是一个全新的国际前沿艺术研究课题。




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