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Interview in English 英语访谈 |
I have asked same questions to each selected artist from five different countries outside China. My intention is to know their different feelings and impressions of studying and living in China Academy of Art, and their future plan. Yu Gan: Please tell me about yourself briefly. Francisco Hauss : Coming from a family of artist I had a very early interest in art. I have study music, literature and plastic arts, being the last one the most consistent and strong. I am also doing painting, photograph and sculpture. I love languages and have a permanent interest on learning new things. Yu Gan: What is your main purpose of study at CAA? Francisco Hauss : When reality is seen trough the art filter, reality goes different, but any country way of making and understanding art is different, CAA had gave me the chance to take a glance to different mechanisms of art applied to different society. That’s the main purpose: discovering. Living in such a different culture makes me have a new perspective and understanding of my own culture. Yu Gan: Could you please describe the topic or idea if the work that you are currently doing? Francisco Hauss : Every civilization has their own religion and mystic ideas about the origin and what’s after dead. I take some tribes and ethnics groups symbols of god (like north American totems, the Aztec and Maya pyramids and the Wicholes magical beings) and reinterpret them into a contemporary looking idol. Nature and its morphogenesis has been always a strong axis of my work, never the less is getting more social, less from the cosmos and nature, and more from the street, I feel that’s the new direction that my work is taking. Yu Gan: I am curious about your future plan. Could you tell me a lit bit about it? Francisco Hauss : I will keep living in China for a While, doing art here for the local market and for the Mexico market as well. I’m part of an art collective in Mexico so I’m looking forward to make some collaboration with some Chinese artist here and my group in Mexico, to put them in contact and make joint exhibitions. |
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这里介绍的八位艺术家来自于六个国家,他们是中国美术学院的硕士、博士研究生,访问艺术家或访问学者; 其中有三位和我都是跟随同一个导师,中国美术学院副院长王赞教授。我逐个地对这些来自不同国度、不同专业、不同年龄和不同职位的艺术家进行了不同内容或相同问题的访谈,得到了他们非常真诚的回答,使我很受感动。现在,除了谢玲慧仍在校学习以外,另外七位艺术家已结束了学习和进修生活,回到了他们的原单促位或自己的国家。我把与这些同学和朋友们的交谈汇编成一个专题 << 相聚在国美 >> ,向读者介绍他们在中国美术学院的经历和体会,展现他们学习的热情和创作活力,并与大家来一起来欣赏他们的艺术作品。 "中华艺术网" 艺术总监喻干 |
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